Sara Ali Khan and Ananya Panday, two of Bollywood’s most popular young actresses, recently appeared on the popular talk show Koffee With Karan. The two actresses opened up about their mothers, Amrita Singh and Bhavna Panday, and how they have influenced their lives and careers.
Sara said that her mother is her biggest role model and that she has always admired her strength and independence. She also said that her mother has taught her the importance of being true to herself and following her dreams.
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Ananya said that her mother is her best friend and that she always turns to her for advice and support. She also said that her mother has taught her the importance of being hardworking and humble.
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Both Sara and Ananya said that their mothers have been instrumental in their success as actresses. They said that their mothers have always encouraged them to pursue their dreams and have never doubted their abilities.
Karan Johar, the host of Koffee With Karan, asked Sara and Ananya if they felt any pressure to live up to the expectations of their mothers. Sara said that she doesn’t feel any pressure because she knows that her mother loves her unconditionally and is always proud of her. Ananya said that she feels the pressure to make her mother proud, but that it is a healthy pressure that motivates her to work hard and be the best version of herself.
Sara and Ananya’s appearance on Koffee With Karan was a refreshing breath of air. The two actresses are honest, down-to-earth, and relatable. They are also role models for young girls everywhere, showing them that it is possible to achieve their dreams with hard work and determination.